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Over 15 years of email experience

Email design and development

With more than 15 years of experience in email marketing, we have witnessed a great shift in the market from a pre-smartphone era to the new, cross-device, cross-app email software. We have won two awards for email marketing for developing a responsive email framework that works across clients and devices. Despite the rise of email builder services, our clients still come to us to ask for a hand-crafted, responsive email that caters to their needs, integrates with their existing systems and reflects their brand.

Best practices deliver the best results

Responsive email with advanced features

After many years working in the email marketing field, our team in Sydney has developed best-practice methods to design an email and develop email code that is clean, XHTML transitional and responsive. We build emails that look great and reflect the brand’s look and feel and customise the modules to allow for dynamic content from your CRM or email marketing software. We test emails across devices before you send it out to make sure it will display correctly.

Responsive Email: Overview

Responsive email is a term used to describe an email message that responds to the screen size on which it is being viewed. So an email will take its full width on a desktop client, such as Microsoft Outlook, or a web client such as Gmail or Yahoo! Mail and then shift its blocks around slightly to optimise information display on a tablet device and then go even further by stacking modules neatly for a mobile device / smartphone.

So, what is “Dynamic Content” in email?

Dynamic content describes a certain block, image or text that is inserted into an email dynamically based on how the user has behaved with your system. For example, if you have an online store and a user buys a dress, your next email to that user could grab dynamic content, such as other dresses from the same designer, and email the customer those dresses as a recommendation. Or if a user leaves a product in the shopping cart and has not checked out or purchased the product after a few days, you can trigger an email with dynamic content that refers to that product dynamically. Your message would then be: Hi Julie, don’t forget that you still have this product {dynamic name of product} in your shopping cart. Click here {dynamic link to product} to complete your purchase.

Learn more

The team at Liquid Logic in Sydney can help you optimise your email marketing by working with you to design, develop and deploy emails that maximise your return on investment and maintain a high level of engagement with your customers.
With our email design and development service, users don’t have to scroll to left or right because the email will display just right. It’s email marketing, made with love in Sydney.

Samples of our responsive email design and development

Our email marketing service can also be part of an overall marketing automation strategy for your business. 

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